Monday, January 12, 2009

Follow Through

I'm cleaning up my e-mail in box.

Clear evidence of my lack of follow through. Lots of old stuff in there.

What's this about?
  • False ideas that I'll get around to reading something later.
  • False ideas that I'll need to refer to something later.
  • Short sightedness
  • Putting off for a supposed better time what I should just deal with now
  • Lack of organization for things that I really do want to follow up on
  • Living for the ideal rather than living fully in the real

If I could clear up these issues, you don't know how much difference this would make in not just my e-mail in-box, but my life!

So, here's to continued progress...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Why Not to Become Ordianed

I was reading about the conflicts within the Episcopal Church yesterday: individual churches leaving or considering it, the deposing of a bishop, people talking about scism...

I should consider being ordained as a clergy member in this church!?! I should step myself right into all this debate and controversy?

It's not that I don't care about the issues at hand. It's not that I couldn't vigorously enter the debate. Its that I would find myself compelled to do it too much and too well. I would wrestle terribly long and hard with all the issues. Then I would write long, detailed, nuanced papers that few would ever read. I would be sucked in and consumed.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I'm Sick of It

I'm getting back to this blog because I'm tired of dealing with words. In fact I'm tired at the moment of dealing with meaning.

I've been spending even more time than usual weighing issues, words and meanings. I'm sick of it.

It's ingrained in me. I'll never be entirely free of it. Not that I really want to be anywhere close to that. But really, I don't need all those words. And I don't need all those wrestlings and wrangelings.

What would it look like if I just loved God and loved people (say like kids for starters) and forgot about anything beyond the most immediate here and now aspect of that?

What would it look like if I did the KISS (Keep it Simple, Stupid) thing that I've found so offensive of a concept when it has been applied to devalue good things that have led to my complex approaches and to in effect call me stupid?

Maybe I have been stupid sometimes.

What would it look like if I didn't even take my 5 min of editing these posts?

Like this.
There you have it.